Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First Project!

We are excited to begin work on our first project!

Brennan Hubble and Ilisa Goldman have been working on a Child Development Center (state funded preschool) in Chula Vista. Ilisa designed a nature based outdoor play and learning environment that is currently under construction. Brennan is working on designing and building the play settings (music wall, mud kitchen, trellises, garden beds, sand play, etc). This includes a wildlife area with a mini trail for the children to explore. It is a good size (215' x 27' ) and has lots of opportunities for art, plants, mounds, seating, bio-swale, habitat items. CDA (Child Development Associates) is the Non-profit that runs the school. They a amazing and are big supporters of nature based play and learning.

The gARTeners will do a build in late January,allowing time to work with the kids/teachers/parents on a project for the habitat area. Either way it is the perfect time for planting natives! There are so many opportunities with this site and has great potential for gARTening. Not to mention it will be providing a habitat gARTen for low income children! Stay tuned for updates, and look for opportunities to volunteer during installation under our events page :)